Unlock the power and potential of your workforce
The strategic utilization of talent
Driven by the need for more agile business models that can respond to rapidly changing opportunities and threats, leaders are increasingly looking for ways to connect talent to work more seamlessly. In today’s world, this work can take the form of gigs, projects, assignments or full-time jobs. Whatever form work takes, skills are the key currency in the workplace.
Talent marketplaces match talent to work quickly and at scale. Spurred on by current digital and societal disruptions, such marketplaces are hot items on the human resource (HR) agenda. The most effective talent marketplaces are supported by platforms that generate workforce insights, recognize worker potential, and recommend personalized learning pathways that lead to future opportunity. A consumer-grade digital talent marketplace experience has proven valuable, as it encourages adoption and engagement.
AI is central to any modern HR talent strategy. AI-powered platforms have made the fixed-flex-flow framework easier to operationalize, but only 26% of organizations are using internal talent marketplaces today.
Only 37% of employees report knowing what skills they will need for future roles.
Unlock skills and build future capacity
Prioritize objectives and have a planTalent marketplaces can deliver many benefits, so be sure to clarify the objectives you want to achieve and when. Not all benefits will be realized immediately, so it is essential to have short-, medium- and long-term plans. This will help you maintain focus and ensure alignment with other talent initiatives and programs.
Lean into the AIAllow the AI to do the heavy lifting — this will reduce maintenance and speed assessment activities for workers, leaders and HR. Fully explore how AI can deliver improved experiences for candidates, workers, and leaders. Understand how the technology platform will complement existing and emerging tools in your HR technology ecosystem.
Over index on change and communicationA vibrant talent marketplace typically requires a mindset shift among workers and leaders. This requires a good communication strategy that extends well beyond technology training. Successful efforts normally include a robust change and engagement plan — one that supports the individual’s experience within the talent marketplace.
Value progress over perfectionSet realistic targets and build on early wins. Companies that take an iterative approach can learn from their experiences and are better positioned to expand over time — increasing coverage and strengthening integration points to existing processes and systems.